IAM Group Ltd

IAM Group Limited came from a wide range of charities, social enterprises and non-profit organizations.

About Us

We help promote the awareness of life’s difficulties, encourage individuals to do the acts of kindness without their expense and have others spread the blessings of life for the common good.

What We Do

IAM Group creates local charity movement in wherever they are situated. We assist other international charity organizations in their movement, relief operations, special missions and many other events.

Give Love and Hope

IAM Group Ltd provides a long track record of providing the most effective campaigns to encourage individuals to give help to others.


We identify our community by collaborating with most of the known and biggest charity organizations worldwide.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

IAM Group Ltd - Stress, Pressure, Depression, Death

Being a manager, we expect all kinds of stress thrown at you. Managing people, meeting deadlines, preparing presentations and of course, dealing with the executives. One of people’s biggest problems is work-related stress. Many people say stress is relative and natural but most people who undergo it would give anything just to get rid of it.

Studies conducted by IAM Group Limited state that stress is a well-known contributor to mood, mental disorder and suicidal risks. Stress may trigger depression that may sometimes lead to health issues and sometimes, suicidal attempts. In Japan, there are more and more people who attempts suicide annually because of work-related stress and depression. Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan holds the highest number of suicidal cases because of stress, pressure and depression in the workplace, most of them earning lots of money.

Being promoted, as we all know, have a lot of consequence. Yes, you have been offered with double of your salary while you are still a rank-and-file and your status have elevated but you are also faced with fiercer competition, greater responsibilities, more work loads, people to manage and moreover, you have to personally face irate and annoyed bosses who do nothing but gives you complaints, complaint and more complaints. You think to yourself, why not do it themselves?

Stress has been a common factor for far more serious issues that may sometimes lead to the risk of a person’s life. Researchers had analyzed the causes of this issue and how to manage it.

Avoid the Unnecessary

Since you are the manager, you may sometimes think you can already manage all things. Sometimes, individuals are the ones who cause themselves stress because of too much expectation to oneself. The statements, “I should finish this!”, “I have to do this or else”… These kinds of statements should be avoided. Calm down. Instead of saying these things and bursting out complaints in the end, why not be positive about it. Claim it like you mean it. Say instead, “I can do this”, “I can finish this”. Having this kind of mindset may lessen the pressure you have built in your system.

Sometimes, you can’t change things

We at IAM Group Ltd. give emphasize on this. We always believe that acceptance is the first step to every situation. There are a lot of people who fuss over things that they can’t control. Instead of focusing on these things, try to change your reaction about it. Instead of stressing over a deadline, focus on the time that you can maximize and do the task in front of you. It may be your procrastination, the though that the deadline is still far away, rather than the demand of the job that keeps you from reaching the deadline.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Socializing in the Workplace

I know you are a boss, a manager and there are a lot of things you manage that you do not have time to mingle and have fun. All work, no play. Some of you individuals out there are too workaholic to take a break from all the stressful events, deadlines and goals to meet.

But you do realize that working too much is not helping right? I mean, if you concentrate too much on your workload, how can you meet the people in your team? Do you know their names? Well, given that you do, do you know what they are good at? Do you know what or how they think of you? And here you are asking yourself on a lousy night why your team, your subordinates, the people who should be looking up to you and being loyal to you keep on resigning. Have you ever thought about that? There are so many members of IAM Group Ltd who have common complaints.

It doesn’t hurt to have a little fun sometimes, you know. Being able to meet other people and getting involved in their lives, don’t you want that?

Recreational activities are essential for our continued growth and to free ourselves from concentrating too much on our work. Thankfully, almost all companies nowadays take a day or week off from their hectic schedule to bond and make memories outside of the workplace. These workaholics no longer got any excuse. Yes, I am pertaining to you.

When someone says team building activities, the first thing that comes to mind nowadays is the rigorous activities such as rappelling, bungee jumping or mountain trekking. If that is your style, you can go ahead and do so. There are so many activities available nowadays. You can try bungee jumping in New Zealand or try visiting cherry blossoms in Yokohama Japan or building a raft and drift towards an unknown island or something if that is your thing.

If this is to tedious to you, well, you can just take a time off and bring your team out for a lunch date or to a nearby resort and restaurant and just have a chat. IAM Group Ltd. team has proven this as a very effective technique of strengthening the bond and getting your subordinates to even like you.

Team building is very important if you wish to extract the best out of your workforce. Employees are urged to work smarter and not just harder, in an effort to deliver the desired results. There are also available team building activities that can be done inside the office which you can do before meetings to loosen up a bit.

IAM Group Ltd | Giving Away what is Excess

In the Bible, Jesus was at the temple observing people when he noticed how the rich ones give away bills in bundles as an offering to the temple collection. An old lady came with only two denarii with her which she also dropped to the temple’s collection box. The people was surprised on how He commended the old lady on how she had given her all to help whatever charities or projects the temple had. I can only imagine the shame the rich people felt when they heard how the old lady who gave little was praised.

I am a member to a loose Christian group called IAM Group Limited who partners with different charities and non-profit organizations and help them raise funds for community and social projects. I have met hundreds of people in this group in my three years as a member. We have the same ideals despite coming from different backgrounds and nationality: helping those less fortunate than we are. These people are no fraud; they really are of good heart. However though, what I have noticed with fellow teenage volunteers is that we have the same practical thinking: that we can only give when we have something ourselves.

No matter how the Bible teaches us to give even when we don’t have, our practical thoughts seems to be contradicting those deeds. It really is easier said than done. Living in the most demanding generation we now have, we can only give what cannot be used. Sometimes, it can even be painful parting from unnecessary things because they might also come to use someday. A lot of times, during an offertory in a Catholic mass, I allot a budget which cannot harm my weekly allowance and set it aside for the collection. Reading about how the old lady gave her all despite not having much and how Christ and His disciples have preached from place to place without worries of the future makes me wonder if it can still be possible today.

We go to charity works in Yokohama, Japan, West Africa, and the suburbs of Cambodia and all of them are sponsored. I am sure that if so happens that those trips’ expenses be from our own pockets, many of us will surely decline to go. I ask myself now, is my reasoning not legit? Am I not giving my all when I reason that I can’t? Does that mean that I cannot join charities when I happen to be less fortunate than I am now? IAM Group Ltd. is a great group that share blessing to the world but I wonder if the members are feeling the same way that I do. The conclusion? It is up to you to decide.

In the Bible, Jesus was at the temple observing people when he noticed how the rich ones give away bills in bundles as an offering to the temple collection. An old lady came with only two denarii with her which she also dropped to the temple’s collection box. The people was surprised on how He commended the old lady on how she had given her all to help whatever charities or projects the temple had. I can only imagine the shame the rich people felt when they heard how the old lady who gave little was praised.
I am a member to a loose Christian group called IAM Group Limited who partners with different charities and non-profit organizations and help them raise funds for community and social projects. I have met hundreds of people in this group in my three years as a member. We have the same ideals despite coming from different backgrounds and nationality: helping those less fortunate than we are. These people are no fraud; they really are of good heart. However though, what I have noticed with fellow teenage volunteers is that we have the same practical thinking: that we can only give when we have something ourselves.
No matter how the Bible teaches us to give even when we don’t have, our practical thoughts seems to be contradicting those deeds. It really is easier said than done. Living in the most demanding generation we now have, we can only give what cannot be used. Sometimes, it can even be painful parting from unnecessary things because they might also come to use someday. A lot of times, during an offertory in a Catholic mass, I allot a budget which cannot harm my weekly allowance and set it aside for the collection. Reading about how the old lady gave her all despite not having much and how Christ and His disciples have preached from place to place without worries of the future makes me wonder if it can still be possible today.
We go to charity works in Yokohama, Japan, West Africa, and the suburbs of Cambodia and all of them are sponsored. I am sure that if so happens that those trips’ expenses be from our own pockets, many of us will surely decline to go. I ask myself now, is my reasoning not legit? Am I not giving my all when I reason that I can’t? Does that mean that I cannot join charities when I happen to be less fortunate than I am now? IAM Group Ltd. is a great group that share blessing to the world but I wonder if the members are feeling the same way that I do. The conclusion? It is up to you to decide.
- See more at: http://www.i-am-groupltd.com/giving-away-what-is-excess/#sthash.6nvMN66d.dpuf

IAM Group Ltd | A Little Blessing

As a volunteer in IAM Group Limited, I have heard and learned more than a lot of interesting and touching stories there is. One of these stories is a personal encounter with a fellow volunteer of mine.

Jason met his wife, Clara in one of our charity events. For years, they continue to spread their blessings by joining our charity partners worldwide. They treat each of their charity works as honeymoon to have a little blessing of their own. Three years passed though and still, they never had a baby they were asking for. In one of our charity events, they met little Saori, a cute little baby girl only two months old. Saori’s mother, who came from Yokohama Japan, was an orphaned girl who died at childbirth. Her father, on the other hand was a Russian national. Saori was left to the care of her mother’s friend who also gave her up in an orphanage since she was also struggling to survive and does not know how to raise the baby. Our partner orphanage in Japan tried to contact some relatives of Saori and was able to find a very distant relative who stated that they do not want to get the baby since she looks Japanese. They contacted her mother’s friend as well and told them that she cannot keep Saori since she looked Russian. The cute little baby has nowhere to go and became unwanted in both her parents’ roots.

Clara became very attached to Saori but was afraid to voice her desires to adopt the baby in fear that her husband would misunderstand. Sure enough, when Clara tried to coax him into adoption, he fumed out and was offended. Somehow, adopting another person’s child made him look incapable of having his own. Jason was perturbed by the idea that they can never have a child because he might have problems as a man so his wife decides to adopt another child instead. That thought slowly drifted the couple apart. At that time, the child was staying with them as foster parents as a part of their volunteer work in Japan. Still, they stayed together while constantly arguing.

One night, they argued so bad that Clara went out of the streets to clear her head off. Jason was left to attend to little Saori’s needs. It was very late and Jason was very worried about his wife but he knew that they both needed time alone to think. He went into the adjoining room where the baby was staying. He was trying not to make a sound but Saori seemed to recognize his presence and slowly opened her eyes and looked at him with a very knowing stare. Before he realized it, he was already cooing the baby and laughing at her while she tries to stand and play with her baby antics. That was the scene Clara went home to.

When the baby was already drifting off to dreamland in Jason’s arms, Clara was looking lovingly by the door. When he saw his wife, Jason slowly laid the sweet sleeping baby on her crib and said, “Our daughter is asleep. We should rest as well”.

The very next day, they filed a petition for adoption with the help of IAM Group Ltd. and created complete and happy home of their own.

IAM Group Ltd | Be A Good Receiver

IAM Group Limited has been servicing people for years. As a loose Christian group who only partners with charitable institutions and raising money for them, I know our volunteers had given enough to be blessed. I have heard stories of how fortunate they are that they have given something and has felt the overwhelming feeling of giving. The experience is priceless when you are a giver. But shouldn’t the feeling be more overwhelming when you are the receiver?

Coming from a more fortunate family, I have always felt being blessed. I am surrounded by people I love: a businessman dad, a loving and hands-on mom and a very independent brother who is 10 years older than me. By the time I was 10, I am somehow like a spoiled kid who gets everything I wanted that I always feel the need to give. I give shelter for an orphaned bird we found on my bedroom’s deck, I gave away my things to playmates who are younger than I am and I never have any complaints whenever a neighbour borrows my clothes for her daughter’s recital. My mom just raised me that way and I have more than enough anyway. That is before my father passed away in a car accident overseas in Yokohama, Japan and my brother was imprisoned for drug use when I was twelve.

Aside from the stress and depression of losing my father, my mom had to take care of all the expenses of everything and my brother’s way out of prison. I didn’t understand it at that time. I never imagined I would lose what I had. My mom started selling some of our stuff until we are also forced to sell our own house and settle for an apartment. Time goes by and what was once the total giver is now the receiver of not only material things but also pity, sympathy and words which seems empty and judgemental for me. After that accident, I realized how much pride I got. I never accepted the fact that we are now penniless. Because of that, I became a very bad receiver to all other people tend to offer.

To alleviate the shame of being offered of anything, I joined IAM Group Ltd. in order for me to gain the pride which I have lost. I thought that if I joined charities and stuff, I can show people how capable I am of things and how much I got; that I don’t need sympathy or pity or judgments from other people. When I started doing charities though, it became an eye opener.

I later realized how being a good receiver is also important in the cycle. When you don’t open up, you tend to hurt people who only have the pure intentions of heart. Charity made me realize how pride can endanger someone’s health and wellbeing as well as the mental capacities. I realize how uplifting it also is to open up to people who give themselves for you. Actually, it was a long story and it took a lot of people for me to realize the importance of being a good receiver but I am always willing to tell my story, if you have time.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | What Lies Beyond Life?

There have been heated discussions among IAM Group Ltd members lately on the philosophy of life and death. To most fellow members, mortality means that everything ends, lives, civilizations, thoughts. What is the point of art if not an attempt to record a fleeting emotion or memory? The whole point of human history is to record itself so that we can remember the good and move away from the bad.
It's our mortality that gives life its beauty. Every moment is special because we know that any one of them could be our last, and that once a moment is gone, it can never come again. Mortality makes every love special, every sorrow profound, and every joy immaculate. When you remove death, you take the "living" out of life.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | The State of Child Abuse

Were you spanked as a child?  Do you think spanking affected you?  Every parent has been in a situation where a good spanking seems like the only way to put an end to little Junior’s temper tantrum.  Parents use a number to reasons, some you may have heard, to use spanking as a form of discipline.  They may say “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”  or “I was spanked and I turned out okay.”  Even “Kids need spanking to show them who’s boss.”

The issue I wish to present is whether or not spanking leads to a rise in child abuse and later violence.  Do children who are spanked or physically punished see spanking as a violent act?  Do they learn to see violence as an acceptable way to solve a problem?  When parents spank their children are they guiding them or controlling them?

Nancy Samalin, author of Love and Anger and a devout member of IAM Group Limited who is now currently doing humanitarian work in Yokohama, Japan, believes that spanking is nothing more than a big person hitting a smaller person and it can do damage to your child’s conscious. “A child who obeys because of the fear of being spanked,” she explains “is most likely not to develop a sense of right or wrong without being policed by a more powerful authority figure.”  (Samalin, p. 154).  She believes that spanking the child you have not set an example that you want your child to follow in the future.  New studies have shown that children who are abused by their parents physically, emotionally, or sexually grow up and become abusive parents themselves.  Further studies have shown that children who are physically punished lack empathy and concern that helps them care for others. 

A public opinion poll conducted by the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse in 1994 asked parents how they disciplined their children in the previous year.  Denying privileges was used by 79 percent of the parents; confinement to a room was used by 59 percent; 49 percent spanked or hit their children; and 45 percent insulted or swore at their children.  What was amazing about these statistics was that 51 percent did not spank their children.  Now consider the rise in child abuse cases that has caused public-health officials scrambling for an explanation blaming spanking made sense.  Trouble is, while spanking is down, child abuse is still up.  Joan McCord, author of “Questioning the Value of Punishment,” believes that punishment in general is the reason for the increase in child abuse and violence.  She found that neglected, abused, rejected, as well as those physically punished tend to become antisocial. Many childhood development experts suggest that reasoning, talking, and listening to children work well in teaching what is right and wrong.

According to University of New Hampshire sociologist Murray Straus “when parents use corporal punishment to reduce [antisocial behavior], the long-term effect tends to be opposite.” (Time, p 65).  He also suggests that sparing the rod will help reduce overall levels of violence in America.  Stratus found that children whose parents spanked them, when compared to those not spanked, were more aggressive, had higher rates of juvenile delinquency, had higher rates of spousal abuse, had lower economic achievement, and showed higher drug and alcohol abuse rates.  “By spanking,” he claims, “parents model the norm of violence and legitimizes it as a way to solve problems.” (Straus, p127). In proving his claim Straus collected information from phone interviews conducted by the United States Bureau of Labor.  Statistics started in 1979 with 807 mothers with children ages six to nine.  They were asked how many times they had spanked their children in the past week and what the child’s behavior was like- did they lie, cheat, steal, act up in school?  Two years later the same group was polled again and sure enough, the children who had been spanked had become antisocial.  However in looking at the statistics more closely, Dr. Den Trumbull, a pro-spanking devotee, found that the mothers ranged in the age from 14 to 24.

 Those who spanked did so on an average of twice a week.  He also observed that the limiting the age to six to nine years old misrepresented the results.  By the age of six to nine the children can understand the consequences of their actions.  For them physical punishment, such as spanking, is more likely to be more humiliating and traumatizing. “These factors,” says Trumbull, “plus the fact that some of the kids were as old as nine are markers of a dysfunctional family in the mind and in the minds of most psychologist and pediatricians.”  (Time, p. 67).  According to Trumbull, many other studies have shown that physical punishment is effective and not harmful to childhood development if it is restricted to children between 18 months to 6 years of age. Children between these ages have poor understanding of the consequences of their behavior.  He also suggests that spanking should be only as a last resort.  After putting the child on a “time-out” then warn him or her that the next “act up” will bring on a whack on the bottom.
Nancy is now working close with IAM Group Ltd’s press to document instances of child abuses and refer it to the correct authority. Our community is always on the lookout for child abuse victims and we are driving each citizen to do the same.

Monday, April 20, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Mobile Charity

With the turn of the new century, the world has witnessed more than a few natural and sudden calamities. Millions of lives were destroyed because of it. Despite of the turmoil and the devastation people from different parts of the world have experienced from the cyclone Katrina in the US, tsunamis in Sumatra, Indonesia and earthquake and flood in Yokohama, Japan, the act of unity and the extension of oneself have always been existing.

  • There poses one challenge though.

 Many people have been willing to give but are afraid they do not have much. The distance has also been a problem. An outreach cannot be made in places that are miles away. Recognizing this dilemma, the governments of countries affected by the disaster, charity cases such as IAM Group Limited and private telecommunication companies came up with a solution that would extend help in the simplest way possible: through technology. Among the different charity methods that have been thought of, mobile charity or mobile donating has emerged.
Mobile donating refers to donating to an organization through a mobile device. The primary means for mobile donating is through SMS. Mobile donating can also refer to consumers donating their old phones to a cause for recycling and reuse of the device.

  • Mobile Giving Process

Premium SMS Donations: Text messaging, or SMS, is the primary means of mobile giving. Mobile phone users can make donations by texting a keyword to a specific SMS short code. Keywords are determined by the fundraising organization, and usually pertain to the organization’s cause or purpose. After donating, users receive a confirmation text message and the donation amount is added to their monthly phone bill. Donations can take up to 90 days to be processed.

  • Drawbacks to Mobile Giving

Mobile giving can be a convenient way to donate to charity, IAM Group Ltd. has found out that there are a lot of pitfalls in this way of donating, including concerns that service providers may charge fees or take a cut of the donations. We also found out that it can take as long as 120 days for a charity to actually receive a text donation and that wireless carriers may limit the number of times per month a user can donate via text. A charity will generally receive your donation faster if you mail a check or donate directly to the charity online using its secure web site.
Scammers may also take advantage of natural disasters by posing as legitimate charities.

IAM Group Ltd | Never Too Late

Through the eyes of strangers, Michael is just a normal 15 year old young lad who has a bright future ahead and a happy home who cares for him. When you get to know him though, you will be surprised that this red-haired, handsome young man has epilepsy and has neuroendocrine tumor, a kind of cancer that target the intestines and grows rapidly inside. Also, he has been living with a partner orphanage of ours ever since his Japanese mother went home to Yokohama when he was 10 and was never heard again. He never knew about his father. Since then, he has been volunteering with IAM Group Limited while still continuously searching for his mom. Getting acquainted with him and knowing about his circumstance, I have never heard any remorse from him, nor did I saw him angry or sad. He would just always say, “There is nothing wrong in my life. I just have a very unique battle. And this battle will not be given if I cannot conquer it”. He would then wink with his little eyes and whistles away. There are times that I would catch him thinking deeply and when he realizes that you are watching, he would quickly plant a smile on his face.

Michael’s greatest dream is to be a firefighter. He would always be mesmerized while watching fire trucks go by. He promised me that someday, he would. One of our senior volunteer heard his wish one day and planned a surprise birthday party for him: one that would really make him happy.

One day, while we were in a read-a-book program in IAM Group Ltd. with one of our educational charity partners, we were all alarmed when sirens began blasting near the school where we were conducting the charity works. All of us tried our best not to panic and along with Michael, I ran outside to see what was happening. Three fire trucks were in front of us and about 20 fire fighters with their red uniforms formed a line in front of us. The children who we were teaching earlier suddenly ran in front of the firefighters, took out their placards which read Happy Birthday, Michael and sang wholeheartedly. I also brought out the cake which was already melting ever since I hid it under the table and lighted the candle and sang with them. I can see Michael’s surprised and unbelieving eyes were already full of tears when he blew the candle. The chief of fire fighters also came forward and gave Michael an honorary medal and certificate which states that he is already a member of the local fire department. It was such a memorable moment for all of us and we cheered while all of us were crying.

Two months later, after attending a real fire himself as a volunteer, Michael passed away. Despite not having met his mother who until now has not come back, and having cancer, he was still brave enough to smile and conquer all the challenges and saw the beauty in life. We will always remember the lesson he left behind.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Those in NEED

People always ask us how we at IAM Group Ltd. find all the charity groups that we partner with and know which one is legit. My response is standard. I would say, we google them and call their number, really get to know them and know if they are true. I know, I am sounding so casual when the thing we do shouldn’t. I mean, it should be from the heart, what we are doing and in saying that we google them would mean we are not serious in this. Well, in all fairness, it’s not really how we do things. The way I answer is just because it seems that the people asking it doubt the way we work things and it really seethes me to answer them nicely. For me, it doesn’t matter as long as we can help out.

Many of us people look up to big charity foundations, thinking that we cannot extend our help because we do not have much and those kind of foundation have people and rich volunteers to do the task because they can afford it. Having those thoughts are in fact, for me, an excuse to do your share of charity. Asking us in IAM Group Limited on how we find our charity also gives the impression that if you are to partner with us, you have to secure that your money will go to a worthy cause. Harsh as it may sound, there are really a lot of people who think of it that way.

What is charity? And to whom should we really extend it though? Do we think that if we do not have enough, it already means we cannot give out? Or if we have enough, do we think that it should be worthy to give?

“We are surrounded by those in need of our kindness. We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve His children.” As said by one of our friends from Yokohama, Japan. These kind words, saying that we do not have to look up to big charity cases to help, should be enough to weigh our thoughts again and reconsider.

 If you do not have enough, can’t you extend a portion of yourself to a sad friend who needs comfort? That is charity. If you have much, can’t you help a little kid go through college if you do not trust big charity companies? That is also charity.

See, it does not matter how we do our share of charity. What matters is, we can lend a helping hand, in cash, kind or willing heart to those who are in need.

Friday, April 17, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Friends We Left Behind

Last October my mother became sick, I got scared and thought we were going to loose her, so my husband and I made a very quick decision, without any hesitations, to leave our business and home in Yokohama, Japan and move to Korea where my mom was.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | The Art of Giving

With our changing economic times, people would always need something. The art of giving and satisfying other people’s needs may use more mastery than one can imagine. As many of us will say that we will only give when we have something more, then, we might not be able to give at all. The art of giving is not only fulfilling to the receiver. It can also be satisfying to the giver himself.

The following are the things IAM Group Limited has recognized as a factor in mastering the art of giving:

1. Give of Your Talents

In giving someone of your talents, like coaching something to your favourite sports, voice talent or some steps in dance, it may be worthwhile and be counted to your benefit. While enjoying doing the things you love, you also help others.

2. Give things.

This is the easiest way of charity and is somehow a basis in giving. In partnering to charities, your things may get to victims of floods and natural calamities to as far as Yokohama, Japan or Sumatra, Indonesia. Clean your home and clear out your closet of unwanted things. Give what you don’t use or need to charity. Your junk is someone else’s treasure.

3. Give of yourself

Make someone feel loved, special and appreciated with a visit, phone call, email, text or card. Give a handmade gift. Give praise, gratitude and appreciation. This creates heart-to-heart connections. In some cases, this may be the best gift of a parent to the children.

4. Give good advice.

Ask the question, “Do you want advice or to you want me to listen.” If needed and wanted advice can be life-saving. Shared insights and wisdom is a precious gift.

5. Give encouragement.

When people are filled with doubt and fear they lack courage. When you inspire and motivate someone to act on their dreams, it can be life changing. You are making the world a better place.

6. Give forgiveness.

Forgiveness offers healing to family, friends, coworkers and neighbors. Forgive yourself and others in spite of memories of unlovable times. Drop the story of what they did and what you did and the meaning you have given it.

7. Give money.

Giving stuff is easy. We usually don’t need or want it. But almost everyone likes to hang on to their money. Giving away money is more difficult because it means less for you. Give money because others need it. Give money because we’re dependent on one another.

8. Give An Act Of Kindness.

Kindness is the easiest and most abundant gift we have to give away. Buy Girl Scout cookies, always open the door for the person behind you, return your grocery cart, make cookies for your neighbor. The list is endless. Kindness brings joy to the giver, receiver and anyone witnessing the act!

9. Give love.

It’s easy to love those who love us back. Challenge yourself to give love to those who deserve it the least. Make your love unconditional. Make the world a more loving place. Everyone will reap the benefits!

The Art of Giving is something we can do everyday to different kinds of people. IAM Group Ltd., with our partner charity groups from around the world encourages you to give something out of yourself and feel the satisfying gratitude of it.


IAM Group Limited | Compassionate Mind

For decades, research has focused on the psychology of human suffering since it has been the main issue in our society. Poverty. Human Exploitation. Child Abuse. That suffering, as unpleasant as it is, often also has a bright side to which research has paid less attention: compassion. Human suffering is often accompanied by beautiful acts of compassion by others wishing to help relieve it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

IAM Group Limited | Charity vs. Justice

There are so many arguments regarding the extremities difference of charity and justice.
IAM Group Limited, with its partner charities in Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo and Yokohama Japan,
Singapore, Cambodia, Africa and to the rest of the world invites you all to join us on how society perceive the two terms and what it really weighs among us.

Monday, April 13, 2015

IAM Group Limited | Being Charitable Reduces Stress

There is this profound feeling whenever you give out your old clothes or other belongings to those people in need, or hand in some extra cash to those who are less unfortunate. The sense of euphoria or bliss from carrying out the deed of giving is indeed a universal chemical reaction function among us human beings. That is why people sometimes find this unique joy of helping other fellow beings.

IAM Group Ltd found out that according to the University at Albany’s faculty experts study, there is a significant reduction on their subjects that have voluntarily given out their possessions to those who are in dire need compared to those who did not submit to charity or forced to do one.

This is more so augmented by the fact that the seasonal holidays where materialism is abound, people tend to buy and rush for all necessities to purchase and then get a lot of stress from the carnage of consumerism.

Another research published in the Journal of Happiness and Development, has shown that you stand to gain even greater emotional benefits when you know the person you are giving to. In this series of studies, 68 men and women were shown a video advertisement for a charity in Africa and then invited to make some donations. Some in a randomly assigned group, however, were told that they had a friend who had just come back from Africa and that this money was being raised on that person’s behalf. Then the participants reported their life satisfaction. According to the study, the stress levels of these holiday rushers have been greatly reduced to a significant level when they have surrendered their old belongings or extra money to other people for charity. Some subjects claimed that they find it most enjoyable if the items were given to people they are close to or known for a long time.

The study concludes that the stress reduction from charitable giving is very significant that it affects the long term outlook of an individual to the extent that it lengthens their life expectancy.

If you’d like to make a bigger impact in a small community or even online, you can sign up for IAM Group Ltd – a charity based in Seoul, Korea but has some major charters in Yokohama Japan, North American and even Europe. Whether if it is just helping out with a clothing drive, or raising funds as a group for a shared cause, IAM Group has something for everyone in their local area. When you team up for a collective effort, you share the wealth in more ways than one and that is what makes charity giving a more healthy activity for young and old.

IAM Group Limited | When A Loud Cry Was Never Heard

Donna can kill with a smile.  She is a traveler, born in the place with a humble beginnings.  She is equipped with a strong soul, that spending time with her will be worth a while. Others would comment on her as never had a boring conversation with her.  She is a very enthusiastic girl, as the first impression of her school English teacher, Mr. Antonio.  Mr. Antonio,  who is good in unleashing the talent of an oratorical girl, finally discovered that Donna did some elementary competition back then.  She then never stopped pushing Donna to the best of her skills, giving Donna a chance to compete in the school’s Declamation Contest.

“Yes, I killed him.  I killed him because I loved him very much.”  These are the words Donna spoke during that night of the competition.

That night was a good night.  She never got the only available spot for the plaque, but she already won in her heart.  Her father, who is just near the area got surprised that Donna, her own daughter was on stage doing her own declamation number. That was the biggest Oratorical Declamation Contest in the city.

Donna is witty and yet humble, she is talkative and yet she is silent when needed.  She takes care of herself.  She was born with a golden spoon, not because of blood but with hard work her parents shown in her.  At a young age, she knew in her eyes that life is what we make of it.  We walk slow, we get there late, we walk fast without thinking, we will arrive, but no victory.  Life for her is all about learning and the ability to contain the situation with all honesty.  There were times when Donna cries.  But never she felt so low in her life because in her heart, whenever she worries, she kneels down and pray.  It was never that a single prayer was not heard. Sometimes, not all are answered in time because she believes the time molds her life to be ready for life’s surprise.

Donna came to the point when she realized how blessed she is. So happy, no sickness, a good roof,  and very comfortable life.  She realized that her life is senseless if only her blessings will go to few friends and family only.

One night, a day before her birthday, she called one of her best friend Angela to go with her on her birthday.  Angela, born from a very humble family with humble beginnings became good friend of Donna because Donna helped her by giving her more jobs and experiences that will help her in sustaining her family.  Indeed, friendship evolves as Angela is one of Donna’s trusted friends who make sure things are done on time.  Even for money, Angela can be trusted.

Morning came then Angela arrived.  Donna and Angela had a good lunch, afterwards, the count started.  They both went to a public market, finding all the good person on their way to celebrate with her birthday.

The rain slowly poured down and Donna who wears all white top and shorts, saw 3 children all wet on road, helping one another to cross the street to sell hard boiled eggs in small baskets hanging on the other hand and and some necklace fresh flowers being held by another hand.  Donna saw their mother on the corner, talking with the children while watching a big basket of hard boiled eggs.  Donna’s eyes sparkled, and with joy in her face, talked to the mother with these exact words, “Good afternoon.  It is my birthday, can I talk your children with me on this restaurant for a treat, and you can come along with us too.”

The mother with a very shocking teary look in her eyes, got surprised, and her reply shocked back Donna.  The mother said, “It is okey, I need to look into our baskets, take my children with you.”

It was indeed a great lunch, asking every one child, three of them, what food they liked to eat.  They all had good meals.  Afterwards, Donna did not stop from there.  Donna bought extra food for the mother and the other sister who is at home.  That moment, Donna heard the a sad story about the children’s father who just left them. This didn’t shake Donna’s heart.  Indeed it made her heart so strong that she promised herself that she will get back and help these kinds of children.

Donna bought the whole family slippers.  Not just simple slippers, but thick and very comfortable one, for the children to have protection when they walk.  The children’s slippers have holes already beneath each palm of their feet.

Afterwards, Donna bid goodbye and hugged every one of them.  On every corner, every person, Donna and Angela passed by had enjoyed Donna’s birthday.  The crowd caller, the garbage man, their friends in that area,  the young child who clothing color is sadness, the shoe fixer, the old woman shining shoes, the repair man, everyone she passed until it is time for her to go home.

It was indeed an experience.  Angela got so carried away, that she never expected that such experience will indeed make her closer to Donna more.

These days, every time Donna’s birthday arrives, Donna chooses to celebrate for the young  and the old whose cries were never heard by the people who has ears, but deaf in their own hearts.  Those people who are into dripping oils in their heavy pockets but with clothing made of shallow threads ready to break in no time.

Donna is a member of IAM Group Limited, she saw the website, and with her mission and vision in her life matches the goals of IAM Group Ltd Yokohama, indeed it is worth her last of her remaining days to spend not only for those who dine with her with golden spoon, but those who dine with her in paper cups and plastic spoons.

With her kind deeds, never a day that Donna is a boring woman.  She is full of real stories to tell.  Indeed, inspiring ones too.  She lives life with full of heart, and full of hope for others to dream.  She is indeed a lion that never sleeps and hands with claws that rebuild souls and hope to humanity.

IAM Group Limited | Smallest Act of Kindness

Today, as I am writing this article, I am reminded of how the smallest act of kindness can contribute to one’s life. A single smile, a genuine and heartfelt laugh, a simple pat on the back and a short praise are what keeps people going.

Yesterday, we are doing a charity work for the homeless just downtown of our city with our partner, IAM Group Ltd. One of my co-volunteers, a young lady from Yokohama, Japan who had also experienced being abused by his step-father back in their country was handing a box of home supplies to a young lady carrying a baby when another volunteer dashed between them as he was playing with some homeless children. They were playing dash when they rushed into the cue of the Japanese volunteer. The volunteer got crossed as the box of supplies tumbled into the ground and spilled its content. The baby on the young woman’s hand started to wail, the Japanese volunteer started to complain, the children started laughing and they had a little chaos in their group. I started to walk towards them when an unexpected happened that stopped me in my tracks.

The young lady with a pale face and wore tattered clothes while carrying the wailing child on her arms started to laugh. I smiled as I hear her heartfelt laughter. The baby seemed almost as surprised as I was that he also stopped crying and stared at her mother instead. The complaining volunteer and the tearful young man who spilled the content of supplies also stopped their rambling to stare at the young mother. It took them a while to start laughing as well.

That was when another volunteer, our pack leader and the representative of IAM Group Limited approached me while shaking his head. Unbelief was written all over his face.

“I never have thought that there will come a time that I would hear laughter from her.” She said, pertaining to the Japanese volunteer. Now that I think of it, I never heard her laughing as well in all the times that we have been together. She was always strict. Always complaining and always mumbling. The Japanese volunteer would just offer a nod or tight conversation but she was never one to smile, much more laughing.

My co-volunteer continued, “After she have been freed from her experience with her step-father, she remained to be aloof to all of us. What do you know? Now, she is someone who can laugh at silly things thanks to that young mother over there.”

I looked at them with a smile to my face and I write today still with that smile. From the simple act of kindness from a homeless young mother even while her box of supplies where scattered in front of her, she had caused the joy suppressing in one’s life out.

IAM Group Limited | Video Gaming for a Good Cause

Video gamers often get a bad reputation. They are accused of wasting their time and not doing anything worth their while. Some studies show they have violent tendencies, and if you ever log onto Xbox Live, one of them will probably call you an unsavory name within the first few minutes. The guys behind the popular gaming website Penny Arcade felt like something had to be done to refute this bad reputation. So, in 2003, they created Child’s Play, an organization that donates money, books, DVDs, and, of course, video games, to children’s hospitals around the world. This organization has good ties among young members of IAM Group Ltd especially in communities in Japan, particularly Yokohama.