Thursday, April 30, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | What Lies Beyond Life?

There have been heated discussions among IAM Group Ltd members lately on the philosophy of life and death. To most fellow members, mortality means that everything ends, lives, civilizations, thoughts. What is the point of art if not an attempt to record a fleeting emotion or memory? The whole point of human history is to record itself so that we can remember the good and move away from the bad.
It's our mortality that gives life its beauty. Every moment is special because we know that any one of them could be our last, and that once a moment is gone, it can never come again. Mortality makes every love special, every sorrow profound, and every joy immaculate. When you remove death, you take the "living" out of life.

People have different ideas on mortality but pretty much everyone can agree that the idea that something that must come to an end is better spent attempting to enjoy every moment of.
When the concept of an afterlife comes to mind, people assume that mortality is just a precursor to immortality, the life after this life, the one that never ends. People don't grasp their mortality when they're consumed with the idea of an afterlife because immorality sounds much more comforting and so this life doesn't seem to matter as much.
The impossibility to determine a true afterlife based on any idea or religion is exactly the reason mortality is so important. What if there isn't anything after this life....did you at least enjoy yourself while you were around for this one on Earth?

For all that humanity knows, we still don't know much about the afterlife, and much of what we know today, we'll more than likely prove wrong tomorrow. Given the vastness of the Universe, and the complexities of existence, I find it hard to discount the possibility of there being some kind of continued consciousness after our bodies die.

The fact is that nobody knows what happens after death. This is often taken to mean that there could either be some specific afterlife described by a major world religion, or nothing at all. I believe what that really means is that the afterlife could be anything and everything imaginable, covering the full range of infinite possibilities, and doesn't necessarily take the same form in all cases.

So in conclusion, you should hope that there is nothing after death, because it's better than the alternative. Be glad that oblivion might be what's waiting for you on the other side, and that it's the most efficient option available. After all, the idea of hell could serve as well as a deterrent as the real deal. And while you are here living and with among many intellectual beings, why don’t you join charities like IAM Group Ltd and help give to the poor, make a change, do charity work, travel to places like Yokohama, Japan, Beijing, China or even on some desert in Australia. Taste the beauty that is life. Embrace everything is this long ride for everything is worth as it sounds.


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