Thursday, May 7, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Be A Good Receiver

IAM Group Limited has been servicing people for years. As a loose Christian group who only partners with charitable institutions and raising money for them, I know our volunteers had given enough to be blessed. I have heard stories of how fortunate they are that they have given something and has felt the overwhelming feeling of giving. The experience is priceless when you are a giver. But shouldn’t the feeling be more overwhelming when you are the receiver?

Coming from a more fortunate family, I have always felt being blessed. I am surrounded by people I love: a businessman dad, a loving and hands-on mom and a very independent brother who is 10 years older than me. By the time I was 10, I am somehow like a spoiled kid who gets everything I wanted that I always feel the need to give. I give shelter for an orphaned bird we found on my bedroom’s deck, I gave away my things to playmates who are younger than I am and I never have any complaints whenever a neighbour borrows my clothes for her daughter’s recital. My mom just raised me that way and I have more than enough anyway. That is before my father passed away in a car accident overseas in Yokohama, Japan and my brother was imprisoned for drug use when I was twelve.

Aside from the stress and depression of losing my father, my mom had to take care of all the expenses of everything and my brother’s way out of prison. I didn’t understand it at that time. I never imagined I would lose what I had. My mom started selling some of our stuff until we are also forced to sell our own house and settle for an apartment. Time goes by and what was once the total giver is now the receiver of not only material things but also pity, sympathy and words which seems empty and judgemental for me. After that accident, I realized how much pride I got. I never accepted the fact that we are now penniless. Because of that, I became a very bad receiver to all other people tend to offer.

To alleviate the shame of being offered of anything, I joined IAM Group Ltd. in order for me to gain the pride which I have lost. I thought that if I joined charities and stuff, I can show people how capable I am of things and how much I got; that I don’t need sympathy or pity or judgments from other people. When I started doing charities though, it became an eye opener.

I later realized how being a good receiver is also important in the cycle. When you don’t open up, you tend to hurt people who only have the pure intentions of heart. Charity made me realize how pride can endanger someone’s health and wellbeing as well as the mental capacities. I realize how uplifting it also is to open up to people who give themselves for you. Actually, it was a long story and it took a lot of people for me to realize the importance of being a good receiver but I am always willing to tell my story, if you have time.


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