IAM Group Ltd

IAM Group Limited came from a wide range of charities, social enterprises and non-profit organizations.

About Us

We help promote the awareness of life’s difficulties, encourage individuals to do the acts of kindness without their expense and have others spread the blessings of life for the common good.

What We Do

IAM Group creates local charity movement in wherever they are situated. We assist other international charity organizations in their movement, relief operations, special missions and many other events.

Give Love and Hope

IAM Group Ltd provides a long track record of providing the most effective campaigns to encourage individuals to give help to others.


We identify our community by collaborating with most of the known and biggest charity organizations worldwide.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

IAM Group Ltd | Socializing in the Workplace

I know you are a boss, a manager and there are a lot of things you manage that you do not have time to mingle and have fun. All work, no play. Some of you individuals out there are too workaholic to take a break from all the stressful events, deadlines and goals to meet.

But you do realize that working too much is not helping right? I mean, if you concentrate too much on your workload, how can you meet the people in your team? Do you know their names? Well, given that you do, do you know what they are good at? Do you know what or how they think of you? And here you are asking yourself on a lousy night why your team, your subordinates, the people who should be looking up to you and being loyal to you keep on resigning. Have you ever thought about that? There are so many members of IAM Group Ltd who have common complaints.

It doesn’t hurt to have a little fun sometimes, you know. Being able to meet other people and getting involved in their lives, don’t you want that?

Recreational activities are essential for our continued growth and to free ourselves from concentrating too much on our work. Thankfully, almost all companies nowadays take a day or week off from their hectic schedule to bond and make memories outside of the workplace. These workaholics no longer got any excuse. Yes, I am pertaining to you.

When someone says team building activities, the first thing that comes to mind nowadays is the rigorous activities such as rappelling, bungee jumping or mountain trekking. If that is your style, you can go ahead and do so. There are so many activities available nowadays. You can try bungee jumping in New Zealand or try visiting cherry blossoms in Yokohama Japan or building a raft and drift towards an unknown island or something if that is your thing.

If this is to tedious to you, well, you can just take a time off and bring your team out for a lunch date or to a nearby resort and restaurant and just have a chat. IAM Group Ltd. team has proven this as a very effective technique of strengthening the bond and getting your subordinates to even like you.

Team building is very important if you wish to extract the best out of your workforce. Employees are urged to work smarter and not just harder, in an effort to deliver the desired results. There are also available team building activities that can be done inside the office which you can do before meetings to loosen up a bit.

IAM Group Ltd | Giving Away what is Excess

In the Bible, Jesus was at the temple observing people when he noticed how the rich ones give away bills in bundles as an offering to the temple collection. An old lady came with only two denarii with her which she also dropped to the temple’s collection box. The people was surprised on how He commended the old lady on how she had given her all to help whatever charities or projects the temple had. I can only imagine the shame the rich people felt when they heard how the old lady who gave little was praised.

I am a member to a loose Christian group called IAM Group Limited who partners with different charities and non-profit organizations and help them raise funds for community and social projects. I have met hundreds of people in this group in my three years as a member. We have the same ideals despite coming from different backgrounds and nationality: helping those less fortunate than we are. These people are no fraud; they really are of good heart. However though, what I have noticed with fellow teenage volunteers is that we have the same practical thinking: that we can only give when we have something ourselves.

No matter how the Bible teaches us to give even when we don’t have, our practical thoughts seems to be contradicting those deeds. It really is easier said than done. Living in the most demanding generation we now have, we can only give what cannot be used. Sometimes, it can even be painful parting from unnecessary things because they might also come to use someday. A lot of times, during an offertory in a Catholic mass, I allot a budget which cannot harm my weekly allowance and set it aside for the collection. Reading about how the old lady gave her all despite not having much and how Christ and His disciples have preached from place to place without worries of the future makes me wonder if it can still be possible today.

We go to charity works in Yokohama, Japan, West Africa, and the suburbs of Cambodia and all of them are sponsored. I am sure that if so happens that those trips’ expenses be from our own pockets, many of us will surely decline to go. I ask myself now, is my reasoning not legit? Am I not giving my all when I reason that I can’t? Does that mean that I cannot join charities when I happen to be less fortunate than I am now? IAM Group Ltd. is a great group that share blessing to the world but I wonder if the members are feeling the same way that I do. The conclusion? It is up to you to decide.

In the Bible, Jesus was at the temple observing people when he noticed how the rich ones give away bills in bundles as an offering to the temple collection. An old lady came with only two denarii with her which she also dropped to the temple’s collection box. The people was surprised on how He commended the old lady on how she had given her all to help whatever charities or projects the temple had. I can only imagine the shame the rich people felt when they heard how the old lady who gave little was praised.
I am a member to a loose Christian group called IAM Group Limited who partners with different charities and non-profit organizations and help them raise funds for community and social projects. I have met hundreds of people in this group in my three years as a member. We have the same ideals despite coming from different backgrounds and nationality: helping those less fortunate than we are. These people are no fraud; they really are of good heart. However though, what I have noticed with fellow teenage volunteers is that we have the same practical thinking: that we can only give when we have something ourselves.
No matter how the Bible teaches us to give even when we don’t have, our practical thoughts seems to be contradicting those deeds. It really is easier said than done. Living in the most demanding generation we now have, we can only give what cannot be used. Sometimes, it can even be painful parting from unnecessary things because they might also come to use someday. A lot of times, during an offertory in a Catholic mass, I allot a budget which cannot harm my weekly allowance and set it aside for the collection. Reading about how the old lady gave her all despite not having much and how Christ and His disciples have preached from place to place without worries of the future makes me wonder if it can still be possible today.
We go to charity works in Yokohama, Japan, West Africa, and the suburbs of Cambodia and all of them are sponsored. I am sure that if so happens that those trips’ expenses be from our own pockets, many of us will surely decline to go. I ask myself now, is my reasoning not legit? Am I not giving my all when I reason that I can’t? Does that mean that I cannot join charities when I happen to be less fortunate than I am now? IAM Group Ltd. is a great group that share blessing to the world but I wonder if the members are feeling the same way that I do. The conclusion? It is up to you to decide.
- See more at: http://www.i-am-groupltd.com/giving-away-what-is-excess/#sthash.6nvMN66d.dpuf

IAM Group Ltd | A Little Blessing

As a volunteer in IAM Group Limited, I have heard and learned more than a lot of interesting and touching stories there is. One of these stories is a personal encounter with a fellow volunteer of mine.

Jason met his wife, Clara in one of our charity events. For years, they continue to spread their blessings by joining our charity partners worldwide. They treat each of their charity works as honeymoon to have a little blessing of their own. Three years passed though and still, they never had a baby they were asking for. In one of our charity events, they met little Saori, a cute little baby girl only two months old. Saori’s mother, who came from Yokohama Japan, was an orphaned girl who died at childbirth. Her father, on the other hand was a Russian national. Saori was left to the care of her mother’s friend who also gave her up in an orphanage since she was also struggling to survive and does not know how to raise the baby. Our partner orphanage in Japan tried to contact some relatives of Saori and was able to find a very distant relative who stated that they do not want to get the baby since she looks Japanese. They contacted her mother’s friend as well and told them that she cannot keep Saori since she looked Russian. The cute little baby has nowhere to go and became unwanted in both her parents’ roots.

Clara became very attached to Saori but was afraid to voice her desires to adopt the baby in fear that her husband would misunderstand. Sure enough, when Clara tried to coax him into adoption, he fumed out and was offended. Somehow, adopting another person’s child made him look incapable of having his own. Jason was perturbed by the idea that they can never have a child because he might have problems as a man so his wife decides to adopt another child instead. That thought slowly drifted the couple apart. At that time, the child was staying with them as foster parents as a part of their volunteer work in Japan. Still, they stayed together while constantly arguing.

One night, they argued so bad that Clara went out of the streets to clear her head off. Jason was left to attend to little Saori’s needs. It was very late and Jason was very worried about his wife but he knew that they both needed time alone to think. He went into the adjoining room where the baby was staying. He was trying not to make a sound but Saori seemed to recognize his presence and slowly opened her eyes and looked at him with a very knowing stare. Before he realized it, he was already cooing the baby and laughing at her while she tries to stand and play with her baby antics. That was the scene Clara went home to.

When the baby was already drifting off to dreamland in Jason’s arms, Clara was looking lovingly by the door. When he saw his wife, Jason slowly laid the sweet sleeping baby on her crib and said, “Our daughter is asleep. We should rest as well”.

The very next day, they filed a petition for adoption with the help of IAM Group Ltd. and created complete and happy home of their own.

IAM Group Ltd | Be A Good Receiver

IAM Group Limited has been servicing people for years. As a loose Christian group who only partners with charitable institutions and raising money for them, I know our volunteers had given enough to be blessed. I have heard stories of how fortunate they are that they have given something and has felt the overwhelming feeling of giving. The experience is priceless when you are a giver. But shouldn’t the feeling be more overwhelming when you are the receiver?

Coming from a more fortunate family, I have always felt being blessed. I am surrounded by people I love: a businessman dad, a loving and hands-on mom and a very independent brother who is 10 years older than me. By the time I was 10, I am somehow like a spoiled kid who gets everything I wanted that I always feel the need to give. I give shelter for an orphaned bird we found on my bedroom’s deck, I gave away my things to playmates who are younger than I am and I never have any complaints whenever a neighbour borrows my clothes for her daughter’s recital. My mom just raised me that way and I have more than enough anyway. That is before my father passed away in a car accident overseas in Yokohama, Japan and my brother was imprisoned for drug use when I was twelve.

Aside from the stress and depression of losing my father, my mom had to take care of all the expenses of everything and my brother’s way out of prison. I didn’t understand it at that time. I never imagined I would lose what I had. My mom started selling some of our stuff until we are also forced to sell our own house and settle for an apartment. Time goes by and what was once the total giver is now the receiver of not only material things but also pity, sympathy and words which seems empty and judgemental for me. After that accident, I realized how much pride I got. I never accepted the fact that we are now penniless. Because of that, I became a very bad receiver to all other people tend to offer.

To alleviate the shame of being offered of anything, I joined IAM Group Ltd. in order for me to gain the pride which I have lost. I thought that if I joined charities and stuff, I can show people how capable I am of things and how much I got; that I don’t need sympathy or pity or judgments from other people. When I started doing charities though, it became an eye opener.

I later realized how being a good receiver is also important in the cycle. When you don’t open up, you tend to hurt people who only have the pure intentions of heart. Charity made me realize how pride can endanger someone’s health and wellbeing as well as the mental capacities. I realize how uplifting it also is to open up to people who give themselves for you. Actually, it was a long story and it took a lot of people for me to realize the importance of being a good receiver but I am always willing to tell my story, if you have time.